Monday, August 13, 2018

Fillet of Sole

(Posted by Alan)
After our getting drenched by the rain on Sunday, our rain gear worked reasonably well except our gloves and shoes were soaked. So as a public service I give this recipe for "Fillet of Sole":
  • Take one convection oven (provided in our cabin).
  • Takes laces off shoe and open up completely and place on rack in oven.
  • Take gloves and place on rack in oven (placed decoratively but not touching)
  • Heat oven to 100C for 10 minutes then turn off oven. Leave door slightly ajar.
  • Wait 30 minutes then turn over shoes and gloves.
  • Repeat until shoes and gloves are dry.
  • Do NOT over cook!


  1. Mmmm.... Tasty! Sorry you had rainy weather, but I'm enjoying all the updates!

  2. That's a great recipe! I'll need to save that. :) Hopefully the rain will stay away more.

  3. Wow! I'm really enjoying your blog!! Fantastic pictures and our hats go off to you for doing this one! What's that bridge I see? Doesn't look like you could even WALK up it...
